Saturday, May 25, 2024

Are Arabs more racist to white people, Africans, or South Asians?

Profile photo for Jean-Marie Valheur

There are quite a few videos of Saudi men openly whipping Indian workers in the streets. They do this without shame and without fear of retribution… they just take off their belts and start flogging someone for any perceived slight. Driver in front of you is too slow, traffic pisses you off, and he happens to be Indian? Whip him. Having a lousy day and wanna blow off some steam? Go, whip an Indian…

It’s shockingly common. The same mistreatment is given to African, Filipino or Indonesian workers — they’re treated as slaves. Will the abused worker sue their Arab tormentors? Never. Because the local laws favor local people. And because the employers often take the passports of their employees away when they hire them, as a precaution. I knew a lady who worked for a Saudi family. They didn’t pay her salary for many months. But the employer held her passport and when she filed a complaint, they declared her “illegal” and had her thrown in jail until she relented and withdrew the complaint…

I’ve never seen Arabs treat white people as badly as they treat Africans or Asians. They may screw you over in business but they would never publicly flog you. The level of disrespect given to foreign workers in the Arab world is insane.

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