Friday, May 24, 2024

Why do most Filipinos have colonial mentality?

A majority of Filipinos are Christian, if you worship white gods all your life, I guess it follows that whenever you see something white or related to them, you subconsciously think it has authority, even superiority over you.

Due to religion, most Filipinos are now trained to associate anything white/western with power, and wealth. Filipinos who subscribe to this western superstition called Christianity will constantly seek the validation and approval of their god (Westerners) by emulating their god and rejecting their own cultural identity to match that of their god.

Whenever a Western country decides to colonize an area, they always have the clergy tagging along with them to proselytize and soften the hearts and minds of the local population, enough to be malleable to the dictates of the white “gods”.

Catholic Christianity teaches people to be content in poverty as it brings them closer to their god.

A poor Philippines means we have to always be reliant on America. One of the reasons why America constantly sabotages our relationship with China is for us to remain poor and justify their chokehold over our nation.

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