Thursday, May 30, 2024

Which are the most crossdresser friendly places?

Profile photo for Monika Sveet

I have traveled and lived in many countries, I have been to places where Crossdressing was just as normal as dressing otherwise… to places where you will be in serious trouble legally and socially if you are crossdressing in public. Continent and Country-wise CD acceptance is illustrated below:

Few places I have crossdressed and felt very comfortable and safe are:

  1. Netherlands and all other northern European states including Denmark, Sweden
  2. Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Greece…!! All these places, Germany had been the most comfortable and accepting. I was once visiting a Catholic city (Paderborn) where I went out en-femme without knowing. I did not face any issues except some glances from fellow diners.
  3. Spain is an amazing country specially the Barcelona. Amazing people, very accepting and welcoming.
  4. France has an attitude, if you are dressed well, all is well, but otherwise you may get stares.. and not treated as welcome.
  5. Greece was all fine, no special treatment… youngster do give you stares but the mature ones will treat you with a smile.
  6. Italy has a mix bag… if you are feminine man dressed in man’s clothes, you are considered as beautiful but as a masculine guy dressed in female clothing, then you are Ugly. So, dress up fashionable and Crossdressing or not, you will be fine.
  7. UK as a whole… while some places in England may cause some stray issues, generally it is fine. London seems to be most accepting
  8. USA, mixed bag as it is a large country… some places in California are best places, Eastern states are fine too… while the central states are less accepting. Stray incidents of violence against Third gender is well known.
  9. Singapore, Thailand, Hong kong are very well accepting. No issues as long as you are civil and respecting local laws and customs.
  10. Malaysia/Indonesia… Not so accommodating unless you are local and you know the way around there.
  11. Australia/NZ, pretty much all right. Apart from usual stare, nothing significant
  12. Japan is very conservative when it comes to third gender…!! very safe but Crossdressing is not very common. Lot of fem looking boys are there but they stick to the appropriate dressing in public.
  13. Russia and other Fed countries: Larger Russian cities like Moscow and St. Peters-berg are accepting, lot of clubs, pubs, places where you can go around crossdressed without much issues but some smaller cities may not be accepting it. Countries like Romania, Ukraine are fine, but Tajik/Uzbek/Khazak/etc. are not very accommodating. Harassment and physical assault is common.
  14. China - Crossdressing is fine in larger cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou… but smaller cities are more conservative. Dont be fussy, do not bargain a lot, dont go to shady places and you should be fine. Go to touristic places in a group and enjoy rather than venturing solo to unknown places. Language is a barrier and can get you out or into trouble.
  15. Middle East: Most problematic and least accepting… it is not only against social norms, it is also illegal in most countries. Public appearances may not only cause issues with public including humiliation and physical assault, you will be prosecuted for misdemeanor and other charges. Be careful as engaging in some sexual acts could be punishable by death
  16. Indian Sub-continent: It is legal in India, but socially not accepting in all places. Larger cities/major metropolitan cities are accepting while smaller cities are not very accepting. Third gender is looked down and not respected… while there may not be physical harm, these are not welcome by most people.
  17. Latin America: Brasil, Columbia has lot of TG/CD people and it is possible to pass without issues. While these countries including mexico has lot of social disturbances, it is not advised to venture out solo en-femme. There are lot of social groups who would be helping to go out and arrange for a outing in a group. Rio is very accepting… usually you will find most of LGBT people camping there. One word of caution, Lot of TG people are considered “Professional” working ones… so, you may be approached with a proposition.
  18. Africa is one continent I have no personal experience but, most people tell me that it is not accepted and it may cause safety and legal issues. So, not recommended.

Most of the above is my own experiences where otherwise noted. I have traveled to most of these countries/regions above while the experience is combined with feedback from fellow CDs. 

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