Saturday, November 02, 2024

Why are heart attacks more common in winter?

High blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks are common health risks due to cold weather. However, these can be avoided by following simple steps. The number of people suffering from heart attacks is increasing worldwide. Medical experts around the world say that winters are prone to heart diseases. There are many reasons and factors for the increase in heart attack cases in winter. But following some lifestyle tips is said to help reduce the risk.

Find out in this article why heart attack cases increase in winter and how to maintain heart health.

Can cold weather cause heart attacks?

Winter has a direct impact on our body functions. It can constrict blood vessels and coronary arteries. It directly affects how blood flows throughout the body. In winter, people engage in less physical activity due to lower temperatures. Additionally, cold weather can affect heart health in several ways.

Increase in blood pressure

A study published in Experimental Physiology notes that cold weather can lead to high blood pressure and other heart health-related risks. The risk of heart attack is higher in cold weather than at any other time. In winter, there is constriction of blood vessels. It also increases blood pressure. This, in turn, puts extra strain on the heart. Especially if you have any pre-existing cardiovascular conditions, this extra stress and strain on the heart can lead to a heart attack.

The body may get tired

In cold weather, the body has to work harder to maintain the right temperature. In doing so, it takes away energy and resources from other systems, such as the heart system. Experts say this is what affects your heart health.

High frequency of strokes

A recently published study indicates that strokes caused by blood clots in patients with atrial fibrillation are more common in winter.

Respiratory infections

In winter, people are more prone to respiratory infections like flu and pneumonia. These respiratory diseases put more pressure on the heart. So if you already have compromised heart health, this can make your condition worse.

Also, the inflammatory response caused by infections can result in the development of arterial plaques. This increases the risk of heart attack.

Lifestyle choices

During winter we make many lifestyle changes. It can also lead to poor heart health. We reduce our physical activity and gain weight. There is an overall decrease in cardiovascular fitness. Holidays put stress on our bodies and hearts. And more of our food goes to the body. All these lead to high blood pressure and increased cholesterol levels. Both of these are known risk factors for heart attack.

Less exposure to sunlight

We don't get much sunlight during the winter months. It lowers vitamin D levels. This has a direct impact on your thermal health and increases your chances of having a heart attack.

How to avoid heart attack in winter?

There are ways to ensure good heart health even in winter.

A healthy lifestyle

If you already suffer from heart diseases, you are at a higher risk of having a heart attack at this time. Therefore, it is important to ensure that your lifestyle does not negatively affect your heart health. Sleep well, eat well and manage your stress effectively during this time.

Seek immediate medical attention

Don't take anything for granted. If you experience symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or fatigue, early intervention can significantly improve outcomes.

Keep warm

It is very important to make sure you are warm and well covered during cold weather. Try to wear windproof and waterproof coverings that ensure body heat is maintained. This will help keep you warm

Prevent rather than cure

During the colder months, it's important to avoid getting sick as much as you can. Taking proactive steps to ensure cardiovascular health can help reduce the incidence of heart attacks during the colder months. 

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