In 2010, a Nigerian couple living in London gave birth to a white, blond haired, blue eyed baby who become known as “The Miracle baby”. DNA provęd the man owns the bąby.
When Angela Ihegboro first saw her newborn daughter, she was, “speechless.” “She's a miracle baby,” the 35-year-old mother said, “But still, what on Earth happened here?”
What happened is that baby Nmachi is a blond, blue-eyed whitè baby born to two Black Nigerian immigrant parents at a London hospital. “The first thing I said was, 'What the flip?'” said the father, Ben Ihegboro. “We both just sat there after the birth -staring at her for ages not saying anything."
Genetics departments in the UK went c.razy because the couple fit none of the factors on how something like this could have happened. Usually doctors would determine the baby is albino, but the baby has no albino characteristics. They would then look to the ancestors of the parents to see if there were mixed babies in the past. There are no mixed babies in the past. Genetic experts don’t believe in miracles, but they didn’t have any simple answers to the mystery of baby Nmachi. Nmachi - meaning “Beauty of God”
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