Just read today that Pope Francis is in a critical condition in the hospital right now following a respitory crisis.[1] Some reports state his condition, with was stable until Friday (he’s been in the hospital a few days) is now deteriorating…
I’ve never done this before, never prayed for the health of a pope before. But I just said a little prayer for Pope Francis. Because he deserves it.
The man is 88 and not in the best of health, evidently. But there’s a certain human kindness, a warmth and a fundamental kindness in him that I genuinely admire.
Pope Benedict, before him, was a rather “stiff” figure. An intellectual and a theologician of renown, but not a particularly warm and likable character. John Paul II, who came before that, is a man I mostly knew as an elderly fellow struggling with advanced Parkinson’s disease — he was a pitiful character, from what I remember of him. Francis is a different creature altogether. The sort of man who, even when he was already a bishop, always preferred public transport. Who always preferred simple, plain food. Who could get along with anyone. Who could hug and embrace even those afflicted with terrible illnesses because he did not fear any mortal danger.
That’s a good man, in my book. A fine man. A man worth emulating. And he is disliked by all the right people — to the conservatives, he’s too liberal. To the liberals, too conservative. He’s kind to people who already have it rough, doesn’t kick those who are down and doesn’t obsess over dogma. He’s the most “human” pope I’ve ever witnessed, and I’ll miss him deeply when he passes. Pope Francis is a beautiful soul.
[1] Pope Francis in critical condition after respiratory crisis
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