Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Why do some elderly ladies choose to live alone instead of getting married again or having a partner?


Life is all about choices. And being an adult gives me the freedom to choose. That's the beauty of being an adult.

At one point I chose to be married. Later, I chose to be divorced. I chose to be in relationships. Then I chose to be single.

I still choose to be single. I like it. It suits me. I'm at my happiest. I like coming and going as I choose. I choose to not accommodate, check in with, compromise or ask anyone for anything at any time. I choose freedom.

I don't dislike men. In fact, I love men. I have a handfull of wonderful friendships from men in my life. That is enough for me.

It doesn't mean I can't find somebody. It doesn't mean I am not asked out. It doesn't mean I'm scared. It doesn't mean I got hurt. It means I like quiet solitude.

Sometimes, our priorities change. Sometimes, it's not about companionship anymore. Sometimes, it's about finding new interests and passions.

Sometimes, it's about digging deep inside ourselves and finding out that we are much more than just being a partner to someone else.

The way I love has changed. My passions are different.

My question is why do people find that so weird. Why do people think it's so unnatural. What's wrong with people just having had enough of something and wanting something different.

I have been asked this question so many times. The question is old.

I'm not.

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