Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Why do some elderly ladies choose to live alone instead of getting married again or having a partner?


In your case a younger man is a justified treat.

I lost my husband when he was fairly young - 51. We met on my 18th birthday and I was holding his hand when he died. His last words were “I love you, Babe.” I started dating again after after a few years but not for long. Men fell ito 3 categories. . They were friends and I didn't want to jeopardize the friendship. 2. They were married or otherwise taken and I wouldn't go there. 3. They were slack jawed, drunken nitwits and I didn't want to be around them. This was the largest group. Since then I’ve added another group. 4. They look like my grandfather. Of course, I completely ignore the fact that I probably look like their grandmother. I don’t feel any different than I did when I was 20 so of course I still look 20. Right? Lol! Yes, I get lonely sometimes, but I’ve build a nice life and so I’m willing to live with the trade-off. Besides, it wouldn’t be fair to any guy that wanted to be with me because I might be comparing him to my husband all the time. I don’t know if I would or not, but I just don’t want the hassle. Then there’s the thing of being united with my loved ones in heaven. If I had 2 husbands how would that work? I was independent and living alone before my husband and I married, so I just went back to living how I used to. I met him on my 18th birthday but we didn’t get together until I was 30 so there were a few years when I was on my own. Would I like to have a special someone in my life? Yes. But not enough to settle for just anyone. I want it all and if I can’t have it all I’m perfectly fine with things as they are.

UPDATE - I have found a much younger man (half my age) who is quite handsome to squire me around. Talking to him is like talking to a good girlfriend. There is nothing physical between us but from the first time we met we decided we were kindred spirits. It sure helps with the loneliness. We are planning a trip this summer and rather than try to explain our relationship we just tell people that I'm his “Yankee grandmaw” and then giggle about it. So there is hope that companionship can be found bit may be a little unorthodox. Here we are under my truck. He helps me work on it.

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