Many problems if you have not been living with the proper lifestyle.
I am retired. I rarely eat fried foods. I rarely eat fast food. I try to eat fewer polyunsaturated fats. Linoleic acid in the polyunsaturated fat damages our mitochondria. This causes high inflammation. Over time, this leads to many of our diseases as we age. Linoleic acid stays in your body for 7 to 8 years. High inflammation, over time, leads to having a heart attack, cancer, obesity, diabetes, arthritis and dementia. I have none of those.
I have no major health problems. This could be you too. Make a major lifestyle change. This will help most people. Prescription drugs only help symptoms. They do not help people to live longer. If they did, America would not have a lower life expectancy. America comes in last place for health.
Severely reducing polyunsaturated fat (linoleic acid), processed food and sugar, helps to delay diseases. Prescription drugs cannot override a poor lifestyle.
Don’t smoke.
Don’t drink alcohol.
Severely reduce eating polyunsaturated fats (linoleic acid), processed food and sugar.
Go for a walk.
Go 12 hours a day without eating.
Have less stress.
Get enough sleep.
Maintain proper body weight.
Get your vitamin D, iodine and inflammation levels checked. Get a C-Reactive Protein test done. It indirectly measures inflammation in your body.
P.S. Organic chicken has linoleic acid in it. So, it is not good for us. It is what they feed the chickens.
Organic food can have high levels of heavy metals in it. Organic means little to no pesticides in it only. Food manufacturers only tell us the good. They do not have to tell us the bad. Maybe this should be changed. People pay a higher price for food that they think was healthy for them.
Organic food that has been imported, may not be organic at all.
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