Saturday, May 18, 2024

Between the Philippines and Thailand, which is safer for tourists and cost less to travel around?

Profile photo for John Doe

I travelled thru the Philippines at one time and noticed the locals has a rather peculiar way of wrapping their luggages in airports.

the bags were plastic wrapped, or haphazardly sealed with tapes. it was as if they were trying to keep them watertight… It’s also quite the sight to see them queue up at the wrapping counter to get this done.

Eventually my curiosity got the best of me, so i asked a local, just what is going on with that trend? This nice couple then told me - they do this because they dont trust the airport staff with their belongings. and its not just theft we're talking here - its outright scams.

what happens is the airport staff would be working with the customs people, and together they place illegal items into unsuspecting traveller's luggage. A search is then made (of course) and the owner of these luggage would be caught, and presented with the choice of either paying hefty fines (even jail), or paying a smaller bribe to get off easy and not having to miss their flights.

the locals named this scam “tanim bala”.

Imagine going through airport customs and they just so “randomly” decided to search you, and find this in your luggage.


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