Saturday, May 04, 2024

Can a short guy attract a decent looking girl?

Yes you can!

I really don’t like using cliches but it is all about confidence.

My older brother is a perfect example. He is very confident, thinks highly of himself; he is pretty smart; he’s not very funny. He’s a good dancer. I would say that he has a bit of the Napoleon complex He’s 5’6”.

Ever sine I can remember since he was in middle school, he has never ever been single. He has always, always had a girlfriend—sometimes two at a time. I’ve met all of his girlfriends. They’ve all been really nice, above average in looks and some even taller than him.

How did he do it? I ask myself that same question. I think it’s really just his confidence. He really believes that he deserves a beautiful girlfriend so he moves forward and takes action. He also gets rejected a lot but it doesn’t bother him.

Probably the most important is that he’s never used online dating, and instead relies on creating large social groups.

I hope this helps. I really think that there’s tons of hope for you. You’re young. It will get better as you grow older. Just don’t ever allow yourself to grow bitter or resentful because it will make it worst.

Also see my story about Pablito who is 4’11” 

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