Saturday, May 18, 2024

True Love Conquers All ·

"My father did not really like cats. I moved back home in 2013 to care for him, he was 93 at the time, and adopted a kitten 3 years later. Dad was bedridden the last 3 months of his life so I made sure his door was securely closed to keep Purza out. One day I heard Dad moaning in pain over the intercom, so I hurried to get his meds. While I was getting them, Dad stopped moaning, which scared me because it was usually 30 minutes or more after his meds before he would quiet down. I ran to his room and noticed his door was open. What I saw in his room makes me cry even though it's 4 years later. Dad was in his bed with the head of it slightly raised, and laying beside him with her head right by his ear, was Purza and she was purring away. She has a very loud purr. Dad had his hand on her, a look of peace on his face, and he was sound asleep. That was the first time he'd fallen asleep without pain meds in over 6 months. I had named my kitten The Queen of Purza but right then I seriously thought of changing it to The Angel Purza, because that's what she was." 

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