Sunday, May 19, 2024

What is wrong with the Philippines?

There’s a lot to talk about. Everything is wrong in the Philippines and there’s a lot to say. The primitive mindset took over. Most problems are related to culture.

The root of the problems is that talking about problems is a big taboo. The DENIAL SYNDROME is very strong in this culture. For example, rape victims can’t talk about what happened to them because they know Filipinos will accuse her of provoking it. It’s much easier to just accuse victims and people who dare to speak out than acknowledging and looking for solutions to fix a problem. Once you understand this notion, you understand how most Filipinos think.

The justice system is a bad joke in the Phils. The police organization is corrupt. Pulis are often the ones who commit the crimes. There’s actually not a single type of crime cops don’t commit in the Philippines. Not one! Name any crime->Pinoy police do it. Even high ranked ones. (the bullet scam at the airport is only the tip of the iceberg. They do it because they know they can. No one will stop them. A murder is not something important in a country where most people make fun of human rights. Cops barely pretend to be investigating. Things move a bit when they get the public’s attention. 

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