Sunday, May 19, 2024

Why has China developed so fast?

Traditional values and Communist government.

Traditional part:

  1. The Chinese is a people who value education extremely high. Young generations’ education is the top family concern. Parents would sacrifice their own free time to activities that help improve their children’s school performance. When Chinese parents have school children, they basically have lost most of their free time.
  2. Family-oriented collective mindset. When Chinese workers get their salary, they would try to save as much money as possible for the family use, rather than buy what they long for. Personal desire is second to the family demands, to children’s future, at least before they can support themselves. So China has a high saving rate, and as a result, an astronomically big deposit bonanza. All this play an essential part in economy growth, when it turns into loans.
  3. Chinese indifference to political activities. The Chinese have far stronger interest in making money than participating in political campaigns. This phenomenon and attitude can be seen in any Chinese community, at home and abroad. Even if there is oppression targeting Chinese group, as long as it is not too suffocating to make a living, they would work hard with their hands and brains, rather than go to street.

Communist part:

  1. Communist theory is so far the most advanced theory in explaining human society, compared to any religion based beliefs. Do you believe that all men are created equal? No. This is only a religious narcotic. From the day we were born, we have to adapt to the ubiquitous inequality. Communists only believe we should strive to create a more egalitarian society by our hands, but not wait for some god to give the equal rights. From when society was divided into classes? It is when inequality became reality. People with more possessions created some imagined gods (they had time to meditate, while the poor had to work like dogs to feed themselves.), and in god’s name, to tell the poor people they were not blessed and favoured by those gods, and then maintain that inequal social status. CCP know land is the key to the inequality, so they reshuffled Chinese society by implementing a thorough land reform. Every individual in countryside now has their own land, but only nominally, because all land belongs to the country. However, peasants still can rent it in a way like owning it. It is complicated. As for not owning the land, for example, no land can be sold to others; you can only rent it to others. The benEfits of this policy are multiple. Land will not be accumulated by small number of people. And the government can rent the land or take back the land by giving a large lump of compensation money and usually at the same time, offering those countrymen township Hukou. After that all infrastructure can be carried out smoothly, while people can also get long term economic benefits.
  2. CCP are all strict atheists and think science is the first productivity of a society. But how to achieve it? Through education. When China was dirty poor, the government encouraged elite education, and for the majority poor illiterate adults, there were free classes to attend, and the policy for eliminating illiteracy was sort of forceful in some regions. After those adults had worked for a whole day, they were required to attend some evening school. A university student, till 1980s, could get a monthly allowance, which was higher than a peasant could earn through hard work. As China now is not that poor, people still only need to pay several thousand RMB a semester, and all young people are encouraged to have a higher academic pursuit. Education is heavily funded by the government, so Chinese young people can enjoy a cheap university Education, but of an increasing quality. This education system has provide huge talents to the economic development. In my opinion, education should be a nonprofit cause, but not a business. It is a shame to a country if its young people can't afford a high education for financial reasons.
  3. Liberation of women. When CCP army was a weak localized power, they spread the ideas that women and men should be equally treated. At that time, in the richest US, women were striving for women’s suffrage. So in China, women enjoy more rights than in the west; forget those strange westerner-made rankings. Thanks to the liberation of women, China now has a huge women work force, with a proportion higher than most countries. Their participation in work, with their creativity and power, is another significant reason why China is developing so fast. By working with men equally, they have developed an independent mentality and self-reliant mindset. However, after the reform and opening-up policy was implemented, many women began unconsciously to objectify themselves in following west trend. They prefer to stay at home, get money from husbands and enjoy being a housewife, rather than go on their career. Fortunately, they are only a small group of people and this is not like to be a mainstream trend. Also, some may say Chinese women have less political rights than their counterparts in other countries, because less women in China are involved in politics than the west, which is true, but they may have neglected an interesting fact that China, in the last 30 odd years, has developed a largest group of self-made female billionaires. This number in China is higher than the rest of the world combined. Chinese women seemingly have less interest in politics but more motivation in business, and China provides a great environment for them.
  4. Another cliche reason is that the CCP government organically integrates macroeconomic plans with free market economy. China looks not like typical socialist society, with capitalistic features than most capitalist countries. China encourages entrepreneurship, competition and indeed provides all sorts of preferential policies to help incubate startups. But in social welfare, medical care, education, financial and other important sectors, such as railway system, governments and state-owned companies play the essential role to guarantee a more equal society. Also there are reasons like hardworking and highly disciplined work forces, stable and safe social environments, etc., but all of them more or less related to traditions or CCP governance.

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