Friday, October 11, 2024

Is "Kamalanomics" just communism for dummies?

Profile photo for Jean-Marie Valheur

This is a very strange take. Kamala Harris is backed by a collection of billionaires and investors from Sillicon Valley.[1] Some of the richest people in her nation and the world are behind her. All of these are people who have one singular goal — making money. Sure, they’ll do their fair share of performative activism, try and be “good people” or at least, come across that way.

But make no mistake — the bottom line is the profits. That’s where it’s all about. You’re naive to think Elon Musk supports Trump strictly out of idealism and not for financial gain. Likewise you’re every bit as naive to think Mark Cuban only supports Harris because he’s such a swell guy and not because he genuinely believes it’ll be good for his pockets. If Kamala was an actual “communist” she’d put the very people that support her to the wall and line them up for execution as soon as she wins in November. Why on earth would they endorse her?

You know what’s really “for dummies”? Calling everything we dislike “communism” or “socialism”. Or labeling every politician to the right a “fascist” or “Nazi”, for that matter. Trump isn’t a Nazi. Harris isn’t a Communist. Don’t be intellectually lazy — both candidates have behind them a portion of the financial elites of their country. Neither of them will go after the rich, nor will either of them champion the working class.


[1] Meet the Silicon Valley billionaires, corporate CEOS, and founders backing Kamala Harris 

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