Friday, October 11, 2024

Why did Brezhnev kiss Jimmy Carter?

Profile photo for Jean-Marie Valheur

He just saw him and he wasn’t really planning on going all-in with the kiss, but Leonid Brezhnev couldn’t help himself… he just, had to. It was stronger than himself. Brezhnev would see a man, any man, and he’d have this unspeakable urge to lock lips. It was his way of projecting dominance. A kissy power move, if you will.

Above we see him kiss another male politician. It’s just… a thing he did. Couldn’t find clear footage of the Carter kiss, but in a still from a video below you can see Jimmy Carter managed to at least turn his head, forcing Brezhnev to kiss his cheek only — Jimmy was a faithful man and would only ever kiss Rosalynn Carter on the cheek. Sorry, Leonid.

There have been quite a lot of strange politicians over the years. Leonid Brezhnev was kind of wild even by late 1900s Soviet standards. To kiss a man on the cheeks wasn’t seen as an odd thing, even many Arab leaders and Italians would kiss one another on the cheeks. It’s a sign of masculine affection that wasn’t seen as “wrong” in any way…

But Leonid Brezhnev, leader of the Soviet Union, took it a little further than most. He all- but made out with other world leaders. Like some sort of Harvey Weinstein but with mature old world leaders as his victims rather than young starlets. I guess a lot of the hypermasculine half-naked horse riding in the snow antics of Putin and his buddies is really just an endless dance of overcompensation.

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