Saturday, May 18, 2024

What is normal in your country but weird in the rest of the world?

Profile photo for Rahul Shrivastava
  • In India, men can hold each other’s hands. This is just close friendship.
  • At the railway platform, you may hear the announcement that the train will arrive at the right time. Yet, it pulls into the station several minutes beyond the scheduled time. 10–15 minutes here and there is considered okay for trains.
  • The car may be several years old but the polythene covering on the seats may still be intact.
  • Wedding ceremony lasting several days. Everyone is exhausted by the end, especially the bride and the groom.
  • Swastika is a sacred Hindu symbol. It symbolises Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. You can find it in most homes and shops. Also during festivals.
  • Cracking open a coconut before driving a new car or entering a new house.
  • Having coloured hands and faces. This happens in the days after Holi - the festival of colours.
  • Henna-dyed hair.
  • The time Indians devote to preparing food. Most families will only have freshly prepared breakfast, lunch and dinner - all of which may be very elaborate.
  • Late and heavy dinners. Anything before nine is early.
  • Eating with hands
  • Sitting cross-legged on floor to have food.
  • Staring at anyone who looks out of place. And men don’t just stare at women.
  • Wetting every wall. Many men can’t hold on till they find a loo.
  • We’re okay with very little personal space.
  • Queue doesn’t necessary mean single line.

Image source: Flickr; Youtube;; ToI; Reddit; Wikimedia; Tripadvisor 

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