Saturday, May 18, 2024

Why do people think Taylor Swift is attractive?

Question: Why do people think Taylor Swift is attractive? She looks emaciated, has a long face, no curves, no chest, and no butt.

Because the media programs the public to believe that famous people are attractive people.


Here’s Swift sans makeup:

She’s cute…but she’s not a raving beauty.

Here’s Swift completely made up:

The photo is likely touched up with Photoshop and its lighting isn’t what would occur in a natural environment.

Even made up, Swift is attractive, but she’s not someone who would necessarily turn heads in the street, especially when you observe her figure:

Swift is built like a tall 14 year old boy..

My point?

The media puts Swift in a number of scenarios where her attractiveness is emphasized, they play up her “love life” and they obsess over her fans and her ticket sales. They tell the viewing public that Swift is popular and that she’s being sought by any number of interested parties (the recent Kelce nonsense is yet another example of that as the thought that an NFL professional athlete would go crazy over a performer is likely more a creation of their respective publicity machines than it is an organic pairing of the two) and so Swift MUST be exceptional.

The reality is that while Swift is a talented musician and a fair songwriter, she’s an average looking person. Her height and the blonde hair might get some interest in if she wasn’t famous; however as noted in the 1986 classic Beverly Hills Cop II “Six foot blondes” grow on trees in California. Taylor Swift would be a lanky or gangly woman working in an office or a retail establishment if she hadn’t been fortunate enough to become a world-renowned singer.

The media tells people that Swift is attractive and because the media says it must be true. 

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