Sunday, June 23, 2024

Do men really prefer women without makeup?


Honestly, I can appreciate makeup at times. It can really help women become confident, boost their self-esteem, and make them shine. The problem, for me, is the underlying dishonesty… it’s kind of like people who only post pictures using filters on social media — you never truly know what they look like until you meet them once “the morning after”, fresh out of bed or after a shower or swim.

I’m pretty sure most men prefer a woman who does wear some makeup, even some of the men who would strongly deny this. Because makeup can uplift a woman’s appearance, and do so in such a way that she not only looks different, her vibe is different — she feels confident, and desirable, and it shows. I kind of compare it to men who grow a beard to hide a weak jawline; a very common tactic, and one I don’t hear as many people complain about as they do with women and makeup.

There are certain physical traits I care about, personally. For example I love girls with thick eyebrows — makeup can make even non-existent eyebrows appear. Which is lovely, visually, but it isn’t real. And I do not like things that aren’t real, very much. So before I date someone, I want to see what she looks like in her natural state. When she isn’t trying to flatter herself or others. There’s a beautiful honesty in that…

I think most men are absolutely fine with women who wear makeup. We just want to see what she looks like without it, too. Like how you would tour a house and investigate it a little before you take out a mortgage and purchase it. We want to see the “real you”, too. And the real you may not be flawless or perfect… but neither are we. Honesty is the best policy.

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