Sunday, June 23, 2024

Why would a man refuse to date a trans woman that has fully transitioned into a woman?

A transwoman just chatted me up on Facebook recently. She’s from South Africa. But very obviously not a natural-born woman. As in zero breasts. Masculine facial features. I asked: “Are you a biological woman?” and the response came in a recorded message, in a fairly deep, over-the-top feminine voice “Am I so ugly? I am offended that you would ask me that!” It was funny because, if anything, the voice recording killed any benefit of the doubt I might have given her. It wasn’t a woman’s voice — it was very obviously a stereotypical gay man’s voice. The intonations. Everything about it just screamed “gay man”.

I was polite about it, too. I said she wasn’t ugly but I wasn’t looking for someone who was once a biological male. I was quite polite and friendly about it. Because I abhor rudeness and I think honesty is always the best policy.

I kinda pushed it but even though I asked, politely, I didn’t get a straight answer. She couldn’t bring herself to say it even though further down the profile there were profile pictures with rainbow flags and everything. So I told the person to get lost. In a nice way, of course. But in a very clear way.

It’s just lame. To present yourself as a woman, and not disclose immediately the fact that you are transgender. People have every right to know such things. In this case I was lucky to catch it very early on. Nip it in the bud. But these things happen fairly often these days. And it’s kind of odd to see. There’s this nasty insinuation in there, too — it’s kind of like a gay man who thinks he can “cure” a lesbian woman of her homosexuality with the gift of good dick. Likewise, the undercover transwoman believes she can “convert” a straight man somehow and she’s so hot she doesn’t need to disclose her birth gender to those she approaches romantically. Sorry but that’s predatory as hell.

Why would a man refuse to date a transwoman? Because he’s not into it. Very simple. We all like what we like. Pursue who we pursue. And for most heterosexual men in this world, a transgender partner who lies about her birth gender or acts evasive when asked? That ain’t it, chief. This isn’t bigotry — it’s reality. 

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