Wednesday, June 19, 2024

“Why is Russia invading Ukraine?”

Why is Russia invading Ukraine?

In our official propaganda, Ukraine has been a US springboard for the future conquering, dismembering, and enslaving of Russia. An alleged “genocide” of ethnic Russians in the self-declared states of Donetsk and Lugansk is proof of that.

To prevent the ongoing genocide and future threats, President Putin sent the troops that now have been de-Nazifying and de-militarizing Ukraine for quite some time.

This move was based on the following set of working assumptions by our president.

Russia’s Top Five Assumptions for Invading Ukraine in Feb. 2022:

1. Ukraine is governed by a US puppet regime not embedded in Ukrainian society.

2. The dysfunctionality of the Ukrainian state and political divisions between their oligarchs make it possible to overthrow them in a swift military operation.

3. Large parts of Ukraine secretly sympathize with Russia and are ready to embrace new pro-Russian rulers.

4. Civil society does not exist. Pro-Western activists are a small group of paid agents that can be chased out of the country, arrested, or killed.

5. The West is too weak and divided to stand up for Ukraine.

Below, one of our loyalist political cartoons by Yevgény Samóilov illustrating the core of President Putin’s assumptions.

A motley crew of Ukrainian nationalists is addressing an unenthusiastic public. To the right, the mayor of the city of Kiev Klichko. The person wearing a Stalhelm to the left is there to show a “Nazi presence” at the forefront of Ukrainian politics.

The hydra of Anglo-Saxon globalism manipulates all of them. The poster fixed to the pulpit says, “Rise up Ukraine!” The discarded ones on the floor say, “Rise up, Syria!”, “Rise up, Egypt!” and “Rise up, Libya.” This implies that the Arab Spring a decade ago was a product of American machinations, just like what happened in Ukraine before Russia decided to denazify and demilitarize the place.

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