Saturday, June 22, 2024

What are the best ways to make your life easier?

  1. Learn cooking. Very helpful if you live alone, you won't have to spend lots of money in restaurants everyday.
  2. Don't snooze. Wake up. If you snooze and then wake up, you will feel more groggy.
  3. You are going to die, don't hold on grudges for too long. Things you are stressing for now won't matter in few years.
  4. Happiness is a choice.
  5. There's one thing that is attractive to all women and it's the only thing attractive to all women: Confidence. Not cockiness, not arrogance, but confidence.
  6. Love who you are, but always try to be a better person.
  7. Karma is real but there's nothing supernatural about it. Good people attract other people. Assholes generally attract other assholes.
  8. Meditation.
  9. Going temples and sit in a peaceful environment and converse with God. He listens.
  10. Water. Drink lots of it.
  11. Remove toxic people, toxic relationship, toxic apps, basically anything which is attracting negative and pulling you down, remove them.
  12. Dancing randomly on your favorite song. Best stress buster.
  13. Reading.
  14. Spending time with your grandparents and with your parents.
  15. Say no to things you don't like.


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