Friday, June 21, 2024

Is Trump right man for country?

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He’s not even the right man for his own companies, past and present — six bankruptcies and counting.

 I do not see how a man who cannot competently run companies without constant failure, who relies primarily on his father’s wealth and family connections, would be competent to run a nation.

The funny thing with Trump is that much of his criticisms of others are projections — for all the vitriol thrown at Hunter Biden, what people tend to forget is that Trump IS Hunter Biden. He is the spoiled brat son of a man of power and success. A man troubled, a man with several marriages and divorces under his belt, children by three different women, affairs, scandals. The black sheep of his family. Electing Trump is the Republican equivalent of electing Hunter Biden to the White House.

Trump is an impulsive man. He has a fragile ego, thin skin, he’s spoiled rotten and has no idea how common people live — his idea of being “relatable” is serving fastfood to athletes or making distasteful jokes. He’d have been better off in reality TV or even stand-up comedy; he’s wickedly funny at times. Fine qualities… but nothing that really qualifies him to run a nation. Especially not since he’s managed to fall out of favor with most of the actually competent people that served in his administration.

Honestly? He could do well. In theory a Trump administration could function reasonably well. Hid first term wasn’t completely horrible in every way. But this was mostly due to genuinely competent people he picked to serve his government. Most of those are now estranged from him, and won’t serve under a hypothetical second Trump term. A leader, however skilled or unskilled, is only as good as the people in his team. Too many of his former allies have jumped ship. And he can’t steer the ship alone… he’s NOT the right man.



Examining Donald Trump’s Chapter 11 Bankruptcies 

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