Saturday, June 22, 2024

What are the best one-minute life hacks?


Profile photo for Yahiya Ali
  1. Stop Your Gag Reflex - Next time you are gagging while brushing the back of your tongue in the morning, hold your thumb in your left hand. It stops your gag reflex and makes brushing your teeth a lot more interesting. Here’s an article that talks about this more in depth:

2. Get A Bigger Chipotle Burrito - Ask to have your burrito wrapped in two tortillas, ask for black and pinto beans, white and brown rice, and the rest is up to you. The result is a massive Chipotle burrito.

3. Positive Self Talk - What you continuously hear about yourself is what you start to believe. Making an effort to speak more positively about yourself can change your world completely and improve your self-esteem.

4. Prepare For Tomorrow The Night Before - Lay out your clothes for the next day. Cook your lunch that you will eat. Make a list of goals that you want to accomplish for the next day.

5. Give One Compliment Per Day - One genuine compliment can make someone’s entire day. The world is already a negative place so why not spread love whenever we can?

6. Drink A Glass Of Water Once You Wake Up - Drinking water on an empty stomach after waking up speeds up your metabolism, flushes out toxins, and improves brain function.

7. No More Cramps - When running, exhale as your left foot touches the ground and you will avoid cramps.

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