Saturday, June 15, 2024

What are some reasons why some foreigners may dislike living in the Philippines despite its positive aspects?

Profile photo for H.Pinker
  1. Corruption. From the lowest peasant to the highest official the Philippines is completely corrupt. Many Western countries see some corruption at the highest levels but in the Philippines even the street kids would turn against you for a nickel. A truly honest and loyal Filipino with integrity is a rare thing indeed.
  2. Discrimination. It’s a systemically racist country. In places like the U.S. you might find the occasional cop who harasses a person of color but in the Philippines the very system itself, including the laws it operates under are designed only to benefit Filipinos, usually at the expense of foreigners. Particularly at the judicial level. The courts are always stacked against foreigners with backwards, antiquated laws. Laws that are so poorly enforced that the Philippines is virtually lawless. Non-Filipinos tend to be continual targets of harassment and scams.
  3. Education. (Or lack there-of) There’s the cultural mediocrity that has resulted in a national IQ of 85.6 in the Philippines. This in turn tends to result in bad attitudes consisting of rudeness, stupidity and just utter incompetence. Mismanagement and major supply problems abound in the Philippines. Many common products and items are not available because no one has even thought about ordering them, let alone keeping enough in stock at all times. Silly, misguided government restrictions only worsen this problem. They also don’t care if they drive potential customers away with obscene displays of rudeness and inappropriate behavior. Businesses frequently go bankrupt in the Philippines simply because of this.
  4. Ethical problems. Foreign investors have long avoided the Philippines because they know it’s a dead end. The Philippines does not appeal to the entrepreneurs and decent folk of the world, it really only attracts disgusting, penniless “sexpats” looking for cheap fornication and cheap rent as that is the Philippines main product. In fact, the only exports they have are in the form of slave labor to Middle Eastern and Asian countries as well as nurses and teachers to Western countries.
  5. The environment. The Philippines is an unhygienic place. It’s overpopulated and lacks even the most basic public sanitation infrastructure with open air sewage canals, rivers of garbage and urine flowing through the cities. People burn plastic trash in the streets exposing everyone else around them to toxic chemicals and respiratory irritants. This on top of intense year round heat and humidity makes the Philippines an undesirable climate to reside in.
  6. Inbreeding. This is a serious problem in the Philippines. Much of it attributed to geographic reasons. Small islands with a shallow gene pool. Many parts of the Philippines are made up of populations that take turns interbreeding with (hopefully) distant relatives. Again due to geographic isolation but also as a way to preserve their predominately Roman-Catholic heritage along with their tribal island culture in a rapidly changing world. A practice that has been in place for centuries occasionally resulting in birth defects.
  7. The Philippines is essentially a country that thrives on exploitation but it’s not foreigners doing the majority of the exploiting, it’s actually Filipinos doing the exploiting. Their social problems and poor economic conditions are very much of their own making. Unfortunately their strange culture will never allow them to admit this and confront the problems directly because of “Pinoy pride.” A useless form of nationalism that causes them more harm than good so nothing will ever change.

In conclusion the cream of the crop stay well clear of this country.


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