Sunday, June 23, 2024

Why do whites age quicker than colored people?

Profile photo for Jean-Marie Valheur

They don’t.

Look at what The Rock looked like at the age of fifteen. Seems like Mr. Johnson aged quite quickly — even though he was a teenager he already looked like he has a house, a mortgage, two kids and a dog.

Below we see a colorized picture of Morgan Freeman in high school, aged fourteen. Does he look particularly youthful to you?

There are outliers to any racial or ethnic group. Some members will age very quickly, others remarkably slowly. I mean Robert Redford is 87, two months shy of 88. And just look at the guy:

It pretty much all boils down to skincare, water intake, general health, and of course genetics shouldn’t be ignored. If you work hard, play hard, party, smoke and drink and never knew the meaning of the word “sunscreen”, you’ll probably age quickly. If you treat your body like your temple, you likely won’t.

If you live hard and rough, you’ll end up looking hard-up and rough. If you live smoothly, you’ll age smoothly. You can either grow old like Robert Redford, gracefully, or like Keith Richards — miraculously, against all odds, and looking like boiled leather. Race and skin color has little to do with it.

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