Sunday, June 23, 2024

What is the most ridiculous thing someone has ever tried to convince you to believe?

Profile photo for Jean-Marie Valheur

A woman named Sarah Millikan just won the 2024 Miss Alabama beauty pageant. Below we see Milliken, aged 23, with the other contestants. She won — and I am not making this up — because of her “personality, confidence and communication”, the organization stated.

Now I’m sure Miss Milliken has a marvelous personality. And her confidence is no-doubt sky-high or else she wouldn’t enroll her prize-winning country fair pumpkin sized self in a beauty pageant like this. But just how DAMN good are her ‘communication skills’ for them to overcome the glaring elephant in the room? It is a BEAUTY pageant. And Sarah isn’t any more beautiful than the two ladies to her left, or the two ladies to her right.

I feel like we’re all being collectively swindled somehow. Told that our eyes deceive us, our instincts are liars and that unhealthily rotund people are, in fact, the most beautiful members of our humble species. And I don’t very much like that. Because they objectively aren’t. Below, I want to show you Miss Alabama 2023, Brianna Burrell:

Brianna has poise, style and grace. She’s tall, poses effortless with perfect posture and her physique is slender, fit and toned. Miss Burrell’s skin is flawless and she is, objectively, an attractive and healthy looking woman. It is obvious from just a one second glance at her appearance that she is a lady who takes care of herself. White teeth, Hollywood smile, legs for days.

The most ridiculous thing anyone has ever tried to convince me and society as a whole of, is that we should celebrate morbidly obese women like Sarah Milliken and that they are “just as beautiful” as Brianna Burrell. They’re not. They could be, perhaps, if they hit the gym. In which case their story would be truly inspiring. But just wrapping a ribbon on a morbidly obese woman and pretending she’s the biggest stunner on a stage full of tall model-esque ladies? Ridiculous. It’s like giving an eight grader a Nobel Prize for his science project “because he tried so hard”…

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