Thursday, June 20, 2024

Why do so many Filipinas take from foreigners?


I used to be married to a Filipina and she wasnt a “taker”. She worked hard in the states and established herself in her career. I divorced her because she is a horrible human being and not because she is a user. I have been told by my ex-wife that back in Manila that it was never a secret that Western men are hunting for Asian women to marry. Filipinas tapped into that. There are many filipinas (NOT ALL) who exploit that need. Filipinas trapped in the Phils are looking for a way out of there. It is an impoverished third world nation. My ex-wife told me that there were classes in Manila on how to snag western men. How to pose in pictures and wear somewhat provocative clothing. Also how to stroke the ego of the hungry western man looking for an Asian female. I am sure there are legitimate situations of love. But there are many scam marriages to get Green Cards in the USA and Australia. It became so bad in Australia where Aussie men fell in love with Filipinas . They came to get them and bring them back to Australia and then they divorce the man once they have the green card. Many men complained to the Aussie government and they implemented strict policies where many Filipinas were being deported back to the Phils. Again, this is not a comment against all Filipina-foreigner marriages,

With those examples being said, if some Filipinas are playing on the emotions of western foreigners for money, asylum, and financial networking to send money back to the Phils for family, the final decision is up to the foreigner if he gives up that money and allows himself to be used and exploited If that situation is occurring. It is a symbiotic relationship. Meaning, they are both using each other. He satisfies his desire to have an Asian bride and she uses his money and/or his citizenship status to have a better life away from the Philippines. Win-win for both. I have read posts here where the foreign man says: “ oh.. my Filipina bride is so great… blah blah blah, and she will never let me go”. If they are out for an escape from where they lived, and you are sending money back to her family in the Phils, then of course they wont let you go… um hello! Again, if that is how they think and not everyone functions that way! Both sides are exploiting one another and no victim on either side. I am pretty sure that most foreign men know about the reputation about the women in the Philippines and the many issues that occur with their husbands when they get back to their home countries. So it really shouldnt be a surprise if it were to happen. 

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