Sunday, June 23, 2024

Leadership: What are some of the best examples of great leadership?


The European Union elections were held. The far-right parties won big time, and more moderate parties took a major beating. Emmanuel Macron, President of France, kept his cool. He realized that with the opposition having won so massively in the European Parliament, his own mandate to rule had now been severely weakened. He cares about optics.

So Macron called for a press conference. And with the eyes of the nation on him, he dissolved the French parliament and declared new national elections would soon be held. He called it a “test of the people’s will”. He didn’t have to do this. He could have just sat where he sat and continued to rule as he’s always done. But he didn’t. He took responsbility. And decided to let the people’s voice be heard. He wants to really rule. Truly, not just in name only.

That’s leadership. It’s uncomfortable. It can, at times, shatter the ego. You can’t fake it til you make it, can’t bluff your way through it… often times, optics are everything. And to take responsibility sometimes means to fall on the proverbial sword. Emmanuel Macron just put his political future and the fate of his nation in the hands of the people. That’s a true leader right there. 

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