Saturday, June 22, 2024

What are the five most important things for a man to learn in life?

Profile photo for Yahiya Ali
  1. You Aren’t A Man Until Your Father Dies - What this means is that while your father is still alive, you have someone you can lean on. You have someone who provides advice and wisdom and helps guide you through manhood. When you lose this influence, you are forced to think on your own and figure out life by yourself. It’s a difficult transition many men have to endure but it only makes you stronger when you come out of it.
  2. Cry More Often - A man should learn how to handle and control his emotions. Avoid being someone who is emotionally driven. Think before you act. Also, recognize that matured men understand that expressing your emotions doesn’t make you weak or less “manly”.
  3. Be A Man Of Your Word - Be dependable. If you say you’re going to do something, be sure to do it. Don’t agree to anything you know you don’t want to do. Let your “yes” be “yes” and your “no” be “no”.
  4. Respect Yourself - A tree is judged by the fruit it bears. Treat yourself with respect because your life is a reflection of your values. This includes the way you dress, what you eat, and even the people you associate with.
  5. Be Bold And Be Fearless - This rule applies to all aspects of your life. Pursue success in your career and don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. Approach women you find interesting and go on dates. No one will just walk up and give you the life you want. You have to take it.


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