Saturday, June 22, 2024

Is plastic the worst invention in human history?

Profile photo for Jean-Marie Valheur

Plastic has a lot of good uses, and was initially hailed as a wonderful, easy to produce and cheap material. But it has a darker side… plastic gets everywhere. A recent studies found that even in human testicles, there are microplastics.

 In the testicles themselves, and in the semen, too — every sample produced in a study, every single one, contained microplastics. They’re in the human bloodstream, too.

Nature cannot break apart and dissolve plastic. So it becomes little tiny pieces of glittery trash that pollutes our skin, our blood, our semen. We bleed plastic. We cum plastic. We are plastic. Sperm counts have been going down globally for fifty years now. And in the last twenty years alone, sperm counts have gone down twice as fast.

 And yes… microplastics are to blame. They affect our health, our reproductive systems, everything. They’re in the water we drink. In the air we breathe. They’re everywhere and we cannot escape them.

We created plastic and thought it was a wonderful invention. We believed it had great promise and that it would allow us to cheaply produce all sorts of products in massive amounts. Oh, it was brilliant! Only it wasn’t. Plastic is a silent killer. From our hearts, to our veins, to our testicles, we’re slowly being poisoned by this treacherous little toxic material we wrap all our food in, drink our water from and microwave our meals in.


[4] Scientists believe these are the reasons for falling sperm counts 

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