Sunday, June 09, 2024

How corrupt is the Philippines?

Profile photo for Ken Sy

Oh we are so corrupt from public works, agriculture, education, social welfare, health any public bureaus or committee IMO.

Lemme give you examples and the TLDR version, it's up to you to do additional research about it.

  1. Political Dynasty - I know other countries have this as well but not on the same level as PH. A city would usually have the mother or father of the family as mayor and their children as the councilors (that's just an example but it's real in some cities here) with some other family members as senators or congressmen. Look for Marcoses in Ilocos and Estrada are some of the few that comes out as dynasties.
  2. Dengvaxia Case - Former president Aquino and the Department of Health doesn't want to shoulder their accountability on the consequences of the dengvaxia deaths that are mostly just young students. Instead decided to stall and blame one another.
  3. GCTA - Good conduct time allowance which basically offers inmates rehabilitation by doing good to lessen their sentence however this was abused by the inmates (especially high profile ones). Also look for Sanchez who is an ex-mayor who raped a college student and murdered her.
  4. Epal of the Politicians - epal is a slang so meanings can change depending on context but in common usage it means an a**hat or p*ick that is annoying. In the political space however, it just means that politicians shamelessly plugs their name in whatever projects they make. Look for Echiverri's name in school ID and street roads, also look for Binay's relief goods for Typhoon Yolanda victims. Sidenote: I was a boy scout who did relief packaging for Binay as part of my volunteering. I can tell you that none of the goods were from him as the boxes and crates came from other people yet Binay, being the epal he is, decided to use his name like he's the god or something.
  5. Fertilizer Fund Scam - funds for fertilizer was used to buy fake/inferior fertilizers for the farmers, remaining money was kept by Joc Joc Bolante and then president Arroyo. None of them sent to jail.
  6. Porkbarrel Scam - government gives a portion of budget for senators and NGOs to fund their projects for the country. Most (80% is a safe estimate) senators decided to pocket the money instead and one woman decided to make many fake NGOs to get the money to the point her bathtub at home was filled in cash. Look for Bong Revilla and Janet Lim Napoles.
  7. People in power supporting drugs - Senator de Lima arrested because she was supporting drug supplies. Got to jail, still continued to funnel and deal drugs according to an inmate's testimony during the GCTA hearing. Cops who got confiscated drugs sold back to society (aka ninja cops). Ex Philippine National Police chief Albayalde substituted an innocent Korean national (killed by the police to plant the evidence) to let the actual Chinese drug lord escape. That chief was not arrested fyi and was retired with a bonus or we'd like to call it pabuya.

That is some of the examples I can think of. But long story short, if the government doesn't do anything about corruption, i really don't think corruption will end.😬

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