Monday, June 10, 2024

Is Tom Cruise gay?

Profile photo for David Kabul

It could be because Tom Cruise posed for photos that ended up in a Gay Magazine called Parlee. Cruise claimed that he posed for the photos and unknown to him they were sold to Parlee. Regardless the photos look the way that they do. That is what heterosexual teens do ?


As many have pointed out , most young teenage boys want to pursue girls and masturbate. Cruise wanted at age 14 to become a Priest. He enrolled at St. Francis Seminary in Cincinnati, Ohio to become a Man of God. That did not last and less than a year later Cruise had dropped out.

Cruise then went to Glen Ridge High School in New Jersey. He pursued Wrestling but had to drop out because he had a bad knee. Cruise then got involved in the High School’s Production of Guys and Dolls. Then Cruise dropped out of High School altogether.

It could be because Cruise dated Cher in 1985. A drag Queen’s Dream—but Tom Cruise’s reality. (Cher is 16 years older than Cruise)

It could be because "As MSNBC columnist Jeannette Walls described in an entire chapter of her 2000 book, DISH, Publicists have had to make sure that magazine writers and other journalists do not ask Tom Cruise about the gay rumors surrounding him -- often by threatening the magazines' editors from having access to other stars.

It could also be because Cruise sues anyone who says he is not heterosexual. Tom Cruise filed a $100 million (yes, that's eight zeroes ) lawsuit against "erotic wrestler," Kyle Bradford (aka Chad Slater...real name Phil Notaro). In an interview with international magazine, Acustar, Mr. Bradford claimed not only to have had an affair with Cruise, but that Nicole Kidman walked in on them, prompting the end of their marriage. The magazine was forced to retract the story. Cruise also sued Notaro’s ex-wife. Cruise had to pay $28,000 for the Ex-Wife’s legal costs. So Cruise lost on that part. The story was false," Mr Cruise's lawyer, Bert Fields, said. "He's not gay and the judge so ruled." The judged "ruled." Of course Liberace also sued when reports were made that he was gay. Liberace won the case. So I guess Tom Cruise is as Straight as Liberace.

It could be the 3 failed Marriages of Tom Cruise. Or the fact that Cruise admitted not seeing his only Biological Child when she was very young for 120 days. Maybe that is what Hollywood Stars do—maybe.

It could just be how very odd Tom Cruise is. Creepy odd. You see it in his weird appearances and even his Scientology Video. Scientology sued You Tube to get the Video removed. Scientology lost that case. If you want to watch a Video of a Man you seriously would not even want to be in your home:


People just say so often off the record that Cruise is really creepy and they did not like being around him. Cruise acts like anyone who was not a Scientologist is wrong and Scientology is right. It is very weird when you consider many Nations do not allow Scientology to be called a Religion at all. Scientology is considered a Cult in several Countries. Recently Cruise again revealed how creepy he could be. Cruise has been widely praised by Hollywood since audio of the actor and producer scolding “Mission: Impossible 7” crew who breached COVID safety protocols. His fans, however, do not include ex-Scientologist and Emmy winner Leah Remini, who has long lambasted the Church through her A&E documentary series “Scientology and the Aftermath.” Remini claimed that the outburst, which she called a “psychotic rant,” was merely a publicity stunt for Cruise. In the piece, she referred to Cruise as “an abusive dictator just as he was taught by his guru David Miscavige,” the leader of the Church of Scientology to which Cruise belongs.

“Tom does not care about the families of his crew; this is all for publicity,” Remini wrote. “Tom does not believe in family values. I mean, how anyone is falling for this is just mind-blowing. I would bet that Tom had this rant written for him and had his Scientology assistant record and release it. Hearing a rich actor with enormous power address his crew in this way is a sign of weakness and a deeply troubled person.”

It does seem like having a meltdown might not be the best way to address issues with the crew on a Movie Set. Reportedly 5 crew members quit because of Cruise. It makes me wonder if what the 59 year old Cruise did was for publicity —why have a temper tantrum and make a public issue out of something that could have been handled privately with each crew member? I mean if you are worried about Studios cutting funding for a movie why make a public issue out of COVID-19 safety guidelines not being followed? This goes back to the super creepy vibe Cruise gives off —like a 59 year old man screaming at a movie crew or jumping on a couch with Oprah watching you. It could just be Cruise is so out of touch with reality and ordinary people that he does not realize how creepy he has become. I was surprised to learn that the 59 year old Cruise is still making Mission Impossible Movies. The film was shut down early for a “Christmas Break” after all of this weird creepy Cruise publicity.

It could also be that Top Gun was one of the Gayest Movies ever made that was not intentionally made to be a Gay Movie. Cruise really seemed to add to the Gay Vibe. It is a Movie laden with homoerotic subtext – a coming-out movie in blockbuster clothing.


Gay Top Gun. Before my time yet I can not believe this Movie was a hit. Did People talk like this in 1986? Kelly McGillis was a lesbian so there were no sparks flying on the set. No surprise that Tom Cruise has never won an academy award.


I am not a Tom Cruise Fan. I find his Membership and advocacy of Scientology to be disturbing and I think Scientology is a Cult not a Religion. I also believe that Scientology has a history of covering up the homosexuality of Celebrity Members.

Something about Tom Cruise seems fake and I consider him creepy. I never watch anything Cruise is in. Never will. I would never spend one minute watching a Mission Impossible Movie with a 59 year old creepy Actor in the lead role playing action roles. I personally do not think Cruise is a good actor.

Everyone has to decide for themselves what they think. The Gay rumors seem to always be around Tom Cruise. 

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