Saturday, June 01, 2024

The incredible story of Lucy and Panda

A dog named Lucy was hit by a train and left lying on the tracks. She was unable to move due to her injuries, but she was not alone. Another dog, Panda, stayed by her side.

According to Denis Malafeyev, the man who saved the two animals, every time a train approached, Panda would curl up on the tracks next to Lucy and lower his body as low as he could so that they would not be hit.

In this way, the companions faced death many times. Until they met a human who would save their lives for good.

On Christmas Day 2016, Denis received a call from friends who had seen the dogs on the train line. He rushed to the scene and found that Panda was not only protecting his injured friend from the trains, but from anyone who came too close. "Several attempts to remove the animal from the track were in vain, because the dog strongly defended her from us," Malafeyev wrote on Facebook.

In this way, the man was forced to watch the same terrifying scene repeat itself: a train approaching and Panda pushing Lucy's head down low enough to avoid being hit. "He warmed her for hours and put himself in danger every time."

Denis, who often helps animals in distress, was finally able to gain Panda's trust and get close enough to pick Lucy up off the tracks. But of course there was one condition: Panda accompanied the entire journey alongside his companion.

Once again the two kept warm, but this time from the trunk of Denis' car, as he drove them to a local shelter. It was there that the dogs received the medical attention they needed.

"It's great to think about animals," Malafeyev said . But he quickly gives credit where credit is due. "This is not my heroism. It is Panda's."


The story of Panda and Lucy is a heartwarming tale of friendship and loyalty. It is a reminder that even in the most difficult of circumstances, there is always hope.

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