Tuesday, June 11, 2024

What are the secrets of being likable?

  1. Make firm eye contact. If you are trying to captivate others with your charm, make sure that you pay attention to them. Nod occasionally when they are talking to you. And look into their eyes while you are making conversation with them.
  2. Befriend people with no expectations. Because; admit it. Nobody likes to be exploited for others’ benefits. If you approach someone with the intentions to extort favour(s), they will sense your intentions sooner or later. I’ve met some leeches who does that in the name of friendship. Not cool buddy.
  3. Dont play games on your phone, text constantly or swipe Tinder matches while someone is talking to you. Pay attention to them, the people who are in front of you. Talk to them, respond. Nobody likes being around someone who is constantly glued on their phone.
  4. Be helpful. One of the biggest pet peeves I have are towards people who blatantly rufuse to help you but are always in dire need of help from you. Lost your keys? Need some relationship advice? Sick and need to go see a doc? Help the people around you, even if they don’t ask for it. People will automatically like you without much efforts.
  5. Don’t gossip or badmouth about anyone. Doesnt matter if you can’t stand them or loathe them. Keep your viewpoints and opinions to yourself. Going around the neighbourhood talking about them makes you the douche. Eventually people will not only judge you but also tell them what you did. So spare the ill talks.
  6. Be a good listener. Shut up and listen more. Don’t be a talkative bird and constantly blabber about yourself. The world doesn’t revolve around you alone. Pause, take a moment and ask about the people around you as well. Communication is a two way street. Don’t just be a chatterbox. Listen to them as well.
  7. Assure people that they’re not alone. This helps if you want to make them feel better. Whenever someone talks to you about their failure and dissapointments, assure them that they’re not alone. I was sacked by my boss last month. Dont worry mate, i got fired too last year, its all for good. My boss was an asshole.
  8. Motivate them. Start believing in people that they believe in themselves too. This world is full of people who want to bring others down. Don’t be like them. If possible, encourage someone to do well and be successful in life. Build them up and they’ll appreciate you for a long time.
  9. Be nice. Always. Spread love and kindness around you. You should change yourself into someone better in order to accomplish this. Bad people can fake their attitude but not their bad aura. Which is why sometimes, you need to have a kind heart filled with wonderful thoughts. Being nice is not a bad thing at all.
  10. Tell them a secret about you. It shows that you trust them enough to confide in something really personal about you to them. Make sure its not a secret that could potentially destroy you,. Go for something minute and harmless. Like you secretly adore blonde girls and pink hair. Or that you usually don’t shave your legs. :P
  11. Be fun. Appear fun. Fake it till you make it. Crack stupid jokes and be random. Perform stand up comedies. Stick out from the crowd and be unique. Have your own style. Do not try to blend in the crowd. Impress people with your talents and wits.
  12. Respect poeple. Start small, by practising how you want people to treat you like. With respect? Start giving the equal amount of respect towards people you are interacting with. Refrain yourself from cursing and namecalling them. Be polite, have respect.
  13. Groom yourself and be comfortable in your own skin. It doesn’t matter if you are fat or thin. Short or tall. Be comfortable. Confident people are likely to be appreciated and liked by poeple for who they are. If you dont like the way you look, change yourself. Go gyming, start grooming and start eating well. Point is, be comfortable with yourself.
  14. Develop your socializing skills. Approach people, say hi and talk. Talk to strangers and people you don’t know much. Strike a conversation out of nowhere. Its not a scary thing at all, some people fear the unknown. I’d say that strangers are just the people you never had the chance to be friends with.
  15. Learn to say thank you, sorry and please. Again, basic mannerism. Traces back to point no. 12. Respecting people.
  16. Smile. Appear friendly. Smiling increase the chances for someone to approach you more. If you place two person in front of me and told me to pick the one I’d like to interact with, I will immediately pick someone who smiles the brightest. Its a natural instinct. Plus those curves on your lips make you look sexy!

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