Friday, June 07, 2024

What is the most important thing you have learned in life?

  1. It's ok to be different. Eagles never run in the race of dogs. They always fly alone.
  2. Relationships aren't great, those who make the relationships work are great. Those who are there for you in the time of need are your people.
  3. Everyone has their own struggle in life. We should learn to be humble and empathetic.
  4. Learning new things will open new doors for you in life. We should never stop learning and growing.
  5. No one truly cares enough about your life. Don't have expectations from people. Many are going to disappoint you sooner or later.
  6. Live according to your own clock. There is no right time to do anything. You should take the time right for yourself through hard work. If you want it, go get it.
  7. Many people are going to throw dirt on your name and they will get mad at you when flowers grow from it. Answer their rude words with success.
  8. The greatness of the person lies in the way they speak and behave. Learn to be a well-mannered person rather than being just well educated.
  9. Someone ability to do something well doesn't make you unworthy and disabled. Don't compare yourself with others. If they can, so can you.
  10. Happiness isn't found, it's created within us. Do what makes you happy. Try new things. Never run after materialistic success. Don't chase happiness. Be calm and let happiness find you.


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