Thursday, June 13, 2024

What is the saddest truth about smart people?

  • Depressions. Intelligent people are more likely to suffer from them. Lot of them do. Sometimes very severe. They realize there is no future for humanity. That everything, including our society, planet and kind will end sooner or later and that everything we do every day doesn’t really have much of a point.
  • Almost everyone around them seems less intelligent or even stupid. Not only people, but also the way world is. How flawed, broken and inefficient almost everything is. It’s not always a big deal, but sometimes it’s not easy to bear. Especially if that “stupid” person is in charge of something important, constantly screw up and you have to listen or obey whatever they want.
  • They are often introvert. Company is nice, but not always. People don’t understand them. It’s exhausting their mind.
  • They have issues with simple social situations and “small talk”. They like to talk about things that others don’t understand. Or make jokes that are not easy to understand. Conversation about everyday issues of normal people seems irrelevant, boring and pointless to them.
  • They often appear dumb to average people. It happens that average person tells something, a joke for instance, to intelligent person, but they don’t seem to understand it straight away. Intelligent person is trying to find something deep and complex in it, something what is just not there.
  • Loneliness. Finding someone for serious relationship is usually not easy when you are extremely intelligent for multiple reasons. Intelligent people think too much about things. They plan. Many of them are shy, depressed and introvert. They don’t have overly big ego or self-esteem. They keep questioning themselves and their potential. These things make it harder to find a partner.
  • They are often not very rich, nor successful or popular. Many of them don’t even want to be.
  • They are sometimes being hated for saying truth. Because truth is not always what people like to hear. And it’s not always politically correct either.
  • They don’t like to think about themselves as intelligent. They rarely admit it. They are self-critical and sometimes they think of themselves as stupid and imperfect.
  • They may be hated or bullied in collective, especially in collectives of immature or less intelligent people, just because they are too outstanding and different. Less intelligent people are scared of them. This funny meme makes a great example:

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