Tuesday, June 11, 2024

"Why am I not afraid of aging?"


76-year-old model May Musk, mother of billionaire Elon Musk, published a book called "Woman plans" about longevity and good mood.

Here is a short excerpt from her book:

"Why am I not afraid of aging?"

Maybe because every decade of my life has been better than the previous one.

In my 20s, everything was terrible except the fact that I gave birth to three amazing children. My husband oppressed me both verbally and physically.

In my 30s it wasn't any easier - I got divorced, raised my own children.

In my 40s all my efforts were dedicated to one thing - to survive.

I moved to New York in the 50s and tried to start a business

In the 60s, my life got more or less harmonized: children, grandchildren, work.

And now in the 70s, I am enjoying life more than ever.

I couldn't even imagine it, but I'm really happy now.

Every time my life has changed dramatically: Divorcing my own business, moving to another city, country, to another continent,

it was all scary at first.

It got to a point where my kids only ate peanut butter sandwiches for dinner.

I could only afford to buy chicken once a week: I cooked it with potatoes and vegetables and it was a real holiday for us!

But it was me and my kids that taught me to cherish moments like this, enjoy all the good things.

You can face many difficult situations and Your life will not always turn out the way you want, but you can always change it.

There is no need to get stuck in some miserable personal life or bad job.

Don't be afraid of getting old. no life changes at any age, because something good awaits you every time.


Credits: Respective Owner

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