Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Why does China still cover up the Tiananmen Square massacre?

Profile photo for Yè

You mean the "students" on Voice of America who burned buses, destroyed army tanks and killed soldiers? China does not create a commemorative day to mark the suppression of any particular riot. Otherwise, as long as the United States keeps inciting China, 365 days a year, every day is an anniversary.

Perhaps some innocent people were hurt in the crackdown. But on balance, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. As to which country instigated the riots, one will know.

An event, no beginning, no end, only look at the middle part, you do not know the cause and effect, in this era without the cost of rumormongering, rumor terminator tired themselves to death, it is difficult to plug the mouth of the rumormonger.

Maybe you think there is no freedom of speech in China, but China needs to ban rumors, and Making rumors and spreading rumors are illegal in China.

I hope people in the world have the ability to think for themselves.


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