Tuesday, June 11, 2024

I am so depressed living in the Philippines and envy other Filipinos who immigrated to better countries. What can I do? I don't want to die here.

Profile photo for Sam Moore

The perpetual struggle of feeling stuck in a place that's not quite up to par.

Well, let's dive into some fascinating facts that might just shift your perspective or, at the very least, provide a welcome distraction from the monotony.

Did you know that your brain's default mode network, which is responsible for introspection and self-reflection, tends to be more active when you're feeling stuck or bored?

This might explain why daydreaming and mind-wandering become increasingly appealing when you're feeling mentally stagnant.

One study found that a whopping 47% of waking hours are spent on such mental meanderings!

The concept of "ikigai" - a Japanese term that roughly translates to "reason for being" - might hold some answers for you.

Essentially, it's the sweet spot where your passions, skills, and values intersect with what the world needs.

Finding your ikigai can bring a sense of purpose and fulfillment, which in turn might help alleviate feelings of depression and stagnation.

Another intriguing phenomenon to consider is the concept of " hedonic adaptation".

Essentially, it suggests that humans have a remarkable capacity to adapt to both positive and negative circumstances, which might explain why that initial excitement of moving to a new country eventually wears off.

This could be why you're still feeling unfulfilled despite having made the move.

Perhaps, it's also worth exploring the idea of "future self", a concept that questions how your current actions will impact your future self.

By focusing on long-term goals and taking small, incremental steps towards them, you might begin to feel a sense of direction and momentum.

This, in turn, could help you reassess your current living situation and find ways to make the most of it.

Additionally, research on "social identity theory" suggests that our sense of self is deeply tied to our social connections and group affiliations.

Feeling disconnected from others might exacerbate feelings of depression and ennui.

Joining social groups, clubs, or volunteering might help you build new connections and reignite a sense of belonging.

Lastly, take a closer look at the concept of "flow states", which describes those blissful moments when you're fully immersed and engaged in an activity.

By finding activities that induce such states, you might just discover new passions and enthusiasm, helping you find a new perspective on your current circumstances. 

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