Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Is Marilyn Monroe beautiful?

Define beautiful?

Marilyn Monroe had undergone a few cosmetic surgery procedures, dyed her hair, learned the power makeup holds, and would spend hours in a mirror posing herself so she knew how to make any “imperfections” less noticeable.

Here’s what she looked like before any of that.

Even then, she still did look like the Marilyn that we know and love.

You can also see her without makeup here

She may not look as “glamorous”, however there’s still something about her.

What made her so beautiful?

Marilyn Monroe’s face was truly something unique, because everyone called her beautiful, even though she didn’t really look like the other actresses of the time.

Marilyn Monroe had more estrogen. No one would call her fat, but she was curvy, romantic and very feminine. Her features were already a beautiful base, only enhanced by her makeup.

She had a sexual but innocent persona, which drew men to her.

How did she do it?

Marilyn’s favorite actress was always Jean Harlow. She took after her in glamour and style and modernized what she had. Here’s a photo of Jean Harlow, and Marilyn Monroe doing a photoshoot inspired by her.

She also would take everything into account. Changing the tone of her voice, looking in a mirror forever until what she disliked wasn’t as apparent. For example, Marilyn Monroe was once told by a director that her upper lip was too close to her nose. This became a long term insecurity, and you can see in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes that she when she would speak she would try to make it appear longer.

She rebuilt a persona for herself. Marilyn Monroe was known to be incredibly intelligent, and made it so she had an original vibe around her that drew people in.

Beauty secrets?

Marilyn Monroe would apply a layer of Vaseline as primer for her makeup to make her skin look radiant and glowy.

She made her eyebrows more arched to make her face look less wide.

She cut fake lashes in half to only use the ends, so then her eyes looked more “siren-esque”

However with all this, I think it’s safe to say that Marilyn Monroe was beautiful.

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