Wednesday, June 12, 2024

If you turn off WiFi while in airplane Mode, will it use data?

Profile photo for Sam Moore

When you enable airplane mode, your phone disconnects from the cellular network and Wi-Fi, but it doesn't necessarily mean that your phone stops using data entirely.

The operating system and various apps may still use small amounts of data in the background for syncing, updating, or transmitting analytics data, even if you're not actively using your phone.

In addition, some apps may be configured to use data even when you're in airplane mode, especially if they're set to sync data in the background.

This is because some apps use APIs that can bypass the airplane mode restriction, allowing them to continue using data for specific purposes.

What's more, if you have apps that use push notifications, they may still receive updates even when you're in airplane mode, which can also use small amounts of data.

Furthermore, when you turn off Wi-Fi while in airplane mode, your phone may attempt to reconnect to a cellular network, which can result in additional data usage.

This is because your phone is designed to automatically switch between Wi-Fi and cellular networks to maintain connectivity.

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