Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Why are most foreigners leaving the Philippines?


Profile photo for Leonard Phillips

Poor planning and false illusions of ‘living like, being treated like kings’. If an immigrant comes here without a steady income of a decent amount, yes, he/she/they will go broke and struggle. Many immigrant men that come here are poor in their own countries. They hear how cheap it is to live in the Philippines, but fail to realize that if they want to live a western lifestyle, they will need to spend a western amount of money.

Its all about comfort levels… If a person is comfortable living with the basic things and eating only local foods from the stands of buying meat from wet markets (with flies all on it), living in a small house with no AC or ventilation…. using public transportation even on the hottest days… Then sure, its cheaper here. But if you have a higher level of comfort requirements, it is not as cheap as you may think. Those would be immigrants that come here without decent planning for long term enjoyment, tend to be the ones returning to their countries, disillusioned.

Others come here in their old age, looking for the young, beautiful tropical girls to lay out on the beaches with. When they realize that even these women expect a man to be able to provide for them and their culture of helping family, they are disappointed in the culture and feel they are being used for their small amount of income. They soon realize that there is no ‘free’ ANYWHERE in the world… Everything costs something.

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