Wednesday, June 05, 2024

What are the signs of a healthy person as they age?

1. Physical health.

Seems obvious, yet, it’s the biggest factor that prematurely ages people. When you’re young you can get away with not eating right, too little sleep, not enough exercise and other self-destructive behaviors. But they’ll catch up to you. It will take doing everything right from the time you’re young to have good health as you age. Yet, it’s so worth it.

2. Psychological health.

Many people, as they age, grow despondent and anxious. They regret the past. What they wish they had done differently. And they worry about the future and what may happen. Which leaves them despondent in the present instead of enjoying it. Instead, figure out what you really want to accomplish and do it. Then you won’t regret or worry. And instead you’ll enjoy.

3. Relational health.

Many people grow more detached from others as they age. The relationships of their job are gone. Their families have moved on with their lives. They’ve lost loved ones and friends. Maybe gone through a divorce. And they end up alone. Instead, fill your time and life with relationships. Your spouse, family and friends. And fill your life with joy.

4. Financial health.

If you want to enjoy aging the last thing you want is worrying about your finances. Unfortunately, many people put off building financial freedom until it’s too late. There’s always a reason to start next year. Instead, start today. Next year will be here in the blink of an eye. And you’ll be glad you built it when you really need it. And then enjoy it.

5. Spiritual health.

No, I’m not going to get preachy. How you define it is up to you. But you need to figure it out. Whether you want to think about it or not this life has an end date for each of us. And if you don’t find inner peace about spiritual matters you won’t find outer peace about life. And there is nothing more healthy, as you age, than living in peace and joy. 

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