Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Are there any Hollywood actors who have openly said that they used steroids to get muscular for movie roles?

Profile photo for Jean-Marie Valheur

The man himself, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Not only did he admit to it, he even went into specifics about the amounts and the type of stuff he was on: “Testosterone and Dianabol, a steroid. One hundred milligrams a week of testosterone. And then three Dianabol a day, so that was 15 milligrams a day.”

Schwarzenegger admitted he didn’t think of long term consequences enough, and yet he did consult with doctors and physicians even back in the day. Those who did not faced consequences. Kidney failures. Infertility. Heart attacks. Early deaths.

“Bodybuilding always, always was considered a safe sport. But now it’s not. Now people are dying — they’re dying because of overdoses of drugs and they don’t know what the fuck they’re doing. They’re listening to charlatans. If I want to get medical advice from a doctor, I go to UCLA or I go to the Cleveland Clinic.”

Steroids were perfectly legal until 1990 in the bodybuilding circuit. When their use became illegal and stigmatized, people went “underground” and people began overusing and dying because of it. Schwarzenegger realizes he is a flawed advisor — he’s suffered heart attacks and has been fitted with a pacemaker. Even his “safe” using of steroids has had consequences. 

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