Thursday, June 06, 2024

What is the secret of youth for older people who still look young?

Profile photo for Charles Olson

Dont forget relationships nurture those relationships with others especially family and trusted friends.

  • Genetics is big.
  • Hair coloring can make you look younger, but it can also make you look older if not done in right way and time. Pitch black hair on a 70 year old face can look odd and that you are trying too hard to look young.
  • If your hair is thinning out then either go the bald look or cut it short.
  • Having a positive, sunny, playful, youthful personality can make you feel and appear younger.
  • Wear the latest clothing if it suits your body or form fitting clothing if you have a trim body. Don't wear a clothing style based on what others want or think you should wear or on age. Wear want you want to wear.
  • Wear a smile, a smile is attractive and can make those wrinkles disappear along with the years.
  • Lead healthy lifestyle and eat real food. Your body is your lifetime companion look after it and your body will look after you.
  • Go to the gym workout get and keep in shape. This is big and will help with most of the points above.
  • Dont forget relationships nurture those relationships with others especially family and trusted friends.
  • A sex life, if it's possible, will help you feel young.
  • Stay positive. Try not to dwell on the past, harbour regrets, grudges, difficulties of getting older or dying. Focus your mind on the here and now. There's always something new you can do or learn. Remind yourself that your time on earth is predetermined what is going to be was always going to be.

For the more creative and adventuresome you could join a comedy club. It's something I have been practicing for and intend to do once I finish work. Don't worry about not being funny there's way too many funny things about getting older you can't help but be funny. Those experiences will reasonate with others making you and others feel better about getting older, it's not just you 😃.

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