Thursday, June 06, 2024

How do you know if someone had a hard life?

  1. People who when shown kindness literally don’t know how to take it.
  2. I find people who have been through some shit have a great sense of humour. Possibly a coping mechanism but some of the funniest people I have met have had a hard life.
  3. People who've faced tough times might show signs like being very cautious or guarded, struggling to trust easily, or having a strong sense of independence. They might also have a deep empathy for others' struggles.
  4. They tell you a story they think is funny and it's actually just trauma.
  5. Staying unnaturally calm in situations when everyone is jumpy. Being somewhat indifferent most of the time. Remain unresponsive to little harm.
  6. They have lots of advice that sounds really genuine and you can tell it from their voice.
  7. They constantly apologize for things that aren't their fault and massively overexplain things in an effort to keep others from getting upset.
  8. Their eyes. Their eyes can really show their pain.
  9. They can be compassionate and empathetic because they've walked in those shoes or they are harsh and overly critical as a defense mechanism.
  10. Being unable to let your walls down and actually trust someone is a sign of trauma.


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