Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Why do many young women like older men?

Profile photo for Joe

First, let’s define “older”. That is an age gap of 15 or more years.

I have found that about 5% of young women (18–25) prefer older men. About 5% have no problem with older men. Another 5% wouldn’t typically date an older man, but would on a case by case basis.

Your dating pool age range is 18 to 24. I am over 50 and I have been dating one person for five months, but in the previous four months, I slept with four women in your age range. One is pre-med, one is getting her computer science degree and already has a programming service side-hustle. All nice looking and above average to high IQ.

The first thing is that we know how women work. They are irrational, but predictable. If you know which of her buttons to push and how and when to do it, you’ll have her thinking about you constantly.

The second thing is that we have confidence, success, money, power, and knowledge.

Women get wet for men with a set of characteristics. Common turn ons are being tall, athletic, good looking, and especially having power and status (=money). But women do not value characteristics the same way. Being over 6′ is a requirement for many, but others require an IQ over 130.

Here is the most important dating advice you will ever hear. Figure out the kind of women that like the kind of man you are and learn to recognize them. I can get young women easily because I know this. That doesn’t mean I can get any woman I want. It means I can get any woman that wants me. In the past, that has included actresses (one was on a “Most beautiful women in the world” list), professional models, a finalist in a national beauty pageant, medical and law students, all with many years age gap.

List your potentially positive characteristics and your potentially negative ones. Some women will value your positives and not care much for your negatives. Concentrate on them, and them alone. If you are constantly getting rejected, then you are clueless as to who these women are.

When I ask young women on a first date, “Why do you like older men?” The number one answer is, “Because he does not make me pay [for a date]”. The man should always pay. If you can’t afford to pay, you can’t afford to date. The number two reason is, “Because he knows what he is doing in bed.” A few years ago, when I first had sex with a 21 year old, after we were done, she exclaimed, “I will NEVER date a guy my age again!”

Do you know what the 23 year old boyfriend of the 21 year old girl calls the 45 year old boyfriend of a her 21 year old friend? Boss.

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