Thursday, June 13, 2024

Why does Singapore claim to be a rich nation but many citizens complain that money is not enough?

Profile photo for Arkaneh Urairat

I was in a driver’s seat of a Honda Civic 1.5L was about to drive off. A 6-year-old boy, my friend’s son waved goodbye and ran to me- a little boy said, “ My father is richer than you.”

That was in the 80s in Singapore.

Living in Singapore is all about “ Money is not enough” Seriously, it’s the life living in a rich and beautiful City State of Singapore where ‘wealth’ is clearly seen in the places you live, the kind of homes you are living in.

More often than not, the car you drive- this is a cutting edge to tell that who has MORE money, so to speak…you or your peers.

If your buddy or your neighbor’s home is a modern double story bungalow while you are a living in a pitch-roof outdated single story house- you’re sure to loose to your buddy, or a guy who owns a 5-room HDB flat is obviously has a better status than his peer who lives in a 3-room HDB flat.

Am I a stuck up dude? You may continue reading.

Many years ago I asked my Singaporean staff, “ Is your flat a 5-room HDB flat?” He immediately corrected me —“Nope, a 5-room EXECUTIVE flat” He said with a wink.

When my business partner saw me driving my wife’s Mini Cooper in those days, he shouted from a driver’s seat of a BMW X6 “Buddy! didn’t know you move around with this ‘teeny-weeny’!” He then sped off with a cheeky smile with a military salute.

Yes, in Singapore, there is always someone in your midst has more money than you—Living in Singapore “Money is not (never) or no enough.”

If you call Singapore ‘your home’ the millionaire’s spirit, a showy display way of life, the lure of everything you see in RICH Singapore will change you —-from a humble, sweet, and simple girl to be a NEW YOU…Am I a stuck up dude?

No, I’m not —Yes, money is never enough in Singapore.

No one wants to look poor in a rich country, guys,

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