Thursday, June 13, 2024

What are the reasons behind some Malaysians wanting to reclaim Singapore?

Profile photo for Kelvin

After being expelled from Malaysia to be independent for almost 60 long years of living under good governance based on meritocracy, justice and equality regardless of race, language and religion, don’t think any true-blue Singaporean will allow Malaysia to reclaim Singapore.

As a little red dot, multi-racial and immigrant country, Singapore’s nation-building is definitely a tough and bumpy journey, encountered many crises or issues with enormous sacrifices from the pioneer generation under the visionary, strong and unshakeable leadership of LKY, the founding father and his pioneer team of competent and honest ministers and civil servants to develop a strong and solid foundation for Singapore to transform from a small fishing village to first world cosmopolitan city-state today.

From this :

To this :

After being expelled from Malaysia in 1965, Singapore then was very fortunate to have such a great leader like LKY with his sheer political will and determination, long-term vision together with a pioneer team of competent, responsible, reliable, honest and serious ministers and civil service adopting good governance based on meritocracy, justice and equality regardless of race, language or religion to lay a strong and solid foundation for Singapore not only to survive but also progress and prosper for almost 60 long years and still counting.

These 2 men significantly made the huge difference between Singapore and Malaysia :

Mahathir is the director and main actor of this endless “Malaysia Boleh - Corruption culture” series, no sincerity to properly govern M’sia and its people despite so much natural resources but merely use race and religion to gain political support to be in power for his self interest and personal political agenda.

During his first 22 long years as PM, one of his billionaire businessman son Mokhzani Mahathir’s Group of Companies are sole agents for all the big money guaranteed profitable products especially those oil & gas and industrial products without having to compete fairly with others. During those days there is this business saying that “if you want to do business in Malaysia, you must know who is Mahathir’s son”.

Despite being expelled from Malaysia and constantly threatened by Mahathir in using water and territorial issues to disrupt our survival, we stay firm, consistent and strong to have a good defence force to maintain safety and security for the people and maintain good foreign relationship with every country in the world and consistently not to take side with the superpowers but to abide by international laws deemed reasonable, fair, suitable and applicable to us in order to attract huge foreign investment.

Singapore has no intention to be a major player in the international stage only to do what deemed right, fair and reasonable based on justice and equality without prejudice to win respect internationally for our own survival.

Singapore has earned enormous respect from the international community to be always firm and consistent not to take side with the superpowers but pro-justice and righteousness to do what is necessary and right for Singapore and mankind with a “big red heart” and real actions like sending our defence forces to help in rescue operation when natural disasters strike in other countries and earned much respect from countries all over the world for our contribution in humanity.

Well done Singapore, Majulah Singapura ! 

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